How Tor Works

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Information Security Consultant @ Blit-Tech

Software Developer @ Shelter Insurance



  • What Does Tor Do?
  • How Does it do it?
  • How is the Model Broken?

What is Tor?

The Onion Router

Connect to an endpoint through a series of Relays instead of making a direct connection


  • Anonymity
  • Censorship Resistance
  • Hidden Service

Tor's Components

Onion Proxy (OP)
SOCKS Proxy into the Tor network
A node in the Tor network, sometimes called an Onion Router (OR)
Exit Node
The last node before the traffic exits the network

The Tor Network

Tor Network Layout

Creating a Circuit

Tor Circuit Creation

The OP Creates Circuits by extending them incrementally

Each node on the circuit only knows about the node proceeding it

Relaying Data

The OP recursively encrypts the data with the key for each OR in the circuit

Each OR decrypts the payload using it's key and forwards on to the next hop

Hidden Services

The Players

Bob The Hidden Service

Alice Wants to connect to Bob's service

Step 1: Introduction Points

Bob has a long-term asymmetric keys to identify his service

Bob chooses introduction points, creates a circuit to them and gives them his public key

Bob publishes the list of introduction points

Step 2: Alice wants to Talk to Bob

Alice learns Bob's public key out-of-band.

Alice chooses a rendezvous point (RP) and builds a circuit to the RP

Alice gives the RP a rendezvous cookie to recognize Bob

Alice builds a circuit to one of Bob's introduction points and tells Bob about the RP

Step 3: Bob connects to Alice's rendezvous point

Bob builds a circuits to the RP, and provides it with the connection cookie

The RP connects Bob's circuit to Alice's

Alice and Bob can communicate

De-anonymizing Tor Users

Protocol Leaking the IP

BitTorrent. Also, some VOIP Protocols do this too for NAT traversal

Cookies, browser fingerprinting etc

Advances techniques: Mouse movement fingerprinting, typing patters.

Flash, JavaScript, WebRTC (ICE) and DNS Queries


There is no technical solution for this

Browser Exploits

FBI calls them NITs

Expensive, usually used to mass-unmask the users of a website

Traffic Analysis/Tagging

Theoretical and expensive but we've seen evidence of them being used
